Lessons that “Offshore Partner Couples could teach Aussie couples in lockdown.


With a number of Australian States being in lockdown at the moment (August, 2021) many Offshore Partner & Prospective Marriage Applicants and Sponsors could probably teach Aussie couples in lockdown situations at thing or two about maintaining “Connection” with their loved ones when physical closeness is not possible.

Lockdowns can be particularly difficult for couples who are unable to be physically close due to social isolation requirements.  Living in separate households & suburbs is not much fun when you are in love.

Australia’s current restrictions in some States may mean that many couples are no longer able to snuggle up to watch Netflix together, meet for dinner or coffee, go to the movies, walk together in the park and spend time under the bed covers together.   ?

Yet these very limitations or restrictions are being experienced daily for our Offshore Partner couples who are unable to travel and enter Australia due to the closure of our International Borders.    Many couples have been physically apart since at least March, 2020 when the Borders closed shut and may have even been longer if they were between visits with each other.

Yet most of these long distance relationships, continue to survive and many actually thrive! Couples separated by distance have tried & tested a number of strategies to remain connected to their partners and continue sharing their lives.

So what can Australia’s socially isolating couples learn from couples separated by both Australian Visa and Border restrictions:

  1. Use the technology you have available to you. This may be zoom, skype etc the method isn’t important – what is important is that you can see each other, look into each others eyes, look at their nonverbal cues.   It’s important to speak with each other and have regular,  immediate communication with each other.
  1. Communicate regularly by text, social media, call each other. Using a number of platforms gives variety and also means that you are not dependent on one particular type of communication.
  1. Decide on a particular time each day to communicate with each other.
  1. Share your day with each other, share your feelings – your fears, your dreams, hopes & intentions. Share your achievements for the day, your plans for tomorrow, what did you have for dinner, etc – it is often discussion about the small details that gives couples that sense of connection.
  1. Link up for a Video chat ie Zoom with friends & families – plan a night or special event together. Share a celebration with each other.
  1. Watch a movie or listen to music together using your iphone, laptop or zoom.

Our Offshore Partner clients that are in long distance relationships, use these strategies and more,  to remain connected to their loved ones, despite being thousands of miles apart.    The good news, is that above strategies also provides additional documentary evidence of their relationship, which couples can then attach to their Online Partner Visa Application.

Many long distance relationship couples see the visa process as just one part of their Love Story and focus on their future together,  looking forward to the day when they will be physically reunited again.

If you are keen to connect with other like-minded people who are in the process of or already lodged Aussie Partner Visa Applications then check out our new Facebook Group Page.    Aussie Partner Visa & Mindset Solutions.   After many years working with hundreds of visa sponsors & applicants we felt that it was time for Partner visa sponsors & applicants to connect with each, share their love stories and also benefit from some general visa and mindset solutions.  You’re welcome to join us and also invite your friends who may be in similar situation.

Julie Teshome
Principal Migration Agent
Aussie Visa Solutions.    MARN 0741622

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